Tuesday, 2025 March 11

[Tuning In] Roger Shakes says failure should not be overly shamed or glamorized

Roger Shakes has over 25 years of experience in television, media, advertising, and technology. He has produced and presented TV programs for BBC, Channel 4, and Maori TV, as well as delivered advertising brand campaigns for global giants. Roger is an active member of the startup and accelerator community in New Zealand where he’s an investor, business consultant, and mentor to a number of CEOs. As a partner in Media Tech Partners, he works to commercialize media content and tech IP, with specific development interests across Europe and Southeast Asia. 

This interview has been edited for brevity and clarity. 

KrASIA (Kr): You’ve had an exciting career across tech, media, and advertising. Looking back to when you first started working in these industries, what are some of the biggest changes?  

Roger Shakes (RS): I would say, the birth of the internet. Back in the day, you can imagine doing advertising and media planning with documents sent over fax. The whole process of communicating over distances was different, due to time delays. For instance, it took days for my video to deliver via DHL, another two days for the counter-party to respond, and some more time for delivery back to my end. Hence, the internet really made an impactful change in my career. The tech industry has also opened up new jobs, as a result of easy communication and digital transformation.

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Taro Ishida
Taro Ishida
Taro is passionate about technology, innovation and startups around Asia. He manages ecosystem and partnerships from 36Kr Global's Singapore office.

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