Saturday, 2025 March 15

Tencent’s automatic driving laboratory gets the green light to test self-drive cars in Shenzhen

According to a PingWest play report on May 14, Tencent’s automatic driving, an affliliate of Tencent Mobile Internet Business Group, was awarded the much coveted, one and only, smart network-linked automobile road test license issued by the Shenzhen Municipal Government to test self-drive cars on the designated road sections in Shenzhen. With the specific road sections for self-drive test to be confirmed, Tencent can look to venture into the self-drive technology space.

This opportunity will open various internal business models and spur collaborations with Tencent location services, Tencent vehicle alliances and Tencent maps on the same platform. Huge synergies to be gained can be expected with Tencent Autopilot doing the entire integration with Tencent Cloud, Tencent Security, Big Data ad AI to push for bigger developments in smart travel.



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